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About Us Headquartered in Okeene, Oklahoma, Sooner Plains Ag. was established in 1920. Through the years, branch locations were added in the surrounding communities of Fairview, Hitchcock, Homestead, and Loyal. In 1999, a Cenex store in Fairview was built to serve the increasing fuel needs of our patrons. Sooner Plains Ag started in 1920 as a grain handler and marketer with only a few thousand bushels of storage. The recent addition of a 300,000 bushel steel tank at Fairview in 2013 brings our current storage capacity level to just over a 2 million bushels. Our largest volume of grain accepted is Wheat, however we also accept Canola, Milo, Sesame & Soybeans. We offer a variety of grain contracts and work with producers to find the right contract to fit their operation. Starting in 2008, new fertilizer facilities have been built at Loyal, Fairview, and Okeene to increase our capacity and service to our patrons better. The addition of Precision-Ag application equipment, larger tending equipment, soil testing programs, crop budgeting and a dedicated team of Agronomy and sales staff to better service our clients. Our goal is to provide the highest levels of service to ensure client satisfaction. Our Energy department has evolved over the years from key-troll systems to our modern Pay at the pump and 24-hour fueling systems with locations in Okeene, Hitchcock, Loyal, Fairview, and our Cenex store in Fairview. We offer forward fuel contracts custom fit to our clients' needs and offer farm delivery through direct ship. Along with grain and petroleum, we handle a variety of products including TBA, oil, grease, animal health, fencing, and other farm supplies at our locations. The Okeene Farm-store is also home to our full-service tire sales and repair shop. Sooner Plains Ag will countinue to meet our customers's needs while keeping an eye on the future. "Our missions is to empower our customers with trusted information and quality products while providing the highest levels of service" We thank and are grateful to our patrons for their continued suppot. We look forward to serving you for another 100 years!
Mailing Addresses Okeene Branch Ringwood Branch Meno Branch/Farm Store Meno Ampride Lahoma Branch Imo Branch